Friday, March 26, 2010

Today I drove....

It's been a day short of a week since my surgery and I was finally able to demonstrate some sort of self sufficiency. I actually got up and drove my car!! Yes, I drove in my beautiful surgical shoes, and yes, it was a bit awkward. I was hesitant to drive myself, but I had to give it a try and today seemed to be as good of a day as any. (If I sat on this couch for one day longer without getting out of the house on my own I probably would have spewed green.)

The driving itself was not too bad (although I only drove a short distance). I found it slightly difficult driving with these flat and awkwardly shaped shoes on, but the trick is to not use your toes at all. Don't even think about flexing your foot or putting pressure on your toes. Forgetta' bout it. I was able to lift my entire foot and use the middle of my foot as pressure, which wasn't too difficult. I didn't notice any changes in my reaction time or my ability to drive appropriately.

I had to walk a short distance today and that proved to be more difficult than driving. When I stand or move around for too long my toes begin to hurt from the strain. And because these shoes are so flat there is no support under my toes and I can feel my toes trying to flex or form to the shoes. Luckily I still have bandages and padding under my toes to prevent this from happening.

I am feeling some pain in my toes. It's not dyer pain that requires vicodin, it's more of a nuisance type of pain. It almost feels like I can feel my bones rubbing at the joint. I know...gross. But that is indeed what it feels like. It makes me sceeve. I'm hoping that as my muscles and tendons in my toes get stronger this feeling will go away. I've also noticed some short shooting pains in my toes, which they say is a sign of nerve growth. Let's hope all of these pains are "growing pains" and not my toes shifting or turning. I've been very paranoid about my toes healing improperly, but I can't see them yet because I don't get my bandages off until Monday.


  1. Hi tacarra, thank you so much for starting this blog! you are so inspiring to people like me who have suffered from the same problem for so many years. I just recently (april 16th) underwent a bunion/hammertoe/ toe shortening surgery! yes thats how much I hated my feet! its only been two weeks since then and I have also started a blog about it. Just wanted to let you know that Im there with you in recovery. I just started to walk on my foot, I still have to do the other foot in May. I can walk barefoot or with the surgical shoe but I have pins that need to be removed which will be removed in 3 more days! I can't wait! I'm sure you felt like you would never walk again after the first week, thats the way I felt but now I totally feel great and I can imagine walking in a pair of sneakers by next week. The pain is almost next to nothing. Its more like discomfort and it gets better and better every single day. So thanks for writing, pls keep your blog going and I will too.

  2. I'm happy that there are more people blogging about this experience. My mom had the surgery 15 years ago, and she pretty much went into it blind because she had no first hand accounts to go off of.

    Walking in shoes is very different from being in the surgical shoe. It doesn't hurt, but it is a little uncomfortable. I am so happy that I chose to go through with the surgery. It definitely isn't a perfect solution, but it's better than walking around with balled up toes for the rest of your life.

  3. Truly Inspired & hopefulJanuary 4, 2012 at 1:26 AM

    Your blog is so inspiring! I'm so scared to have surgery however I hate hiding my feet! I'm married and my husband has never seen my feet! We love to travel and we are surrounded by beaches and water. There is nothing I would love more than to walk the beach or anywhere in a cute pair of flip flops with my hubby! You have encouraged me to begin my journey to pretty toes as well! In all my 23 years I can count on 1 hand the people unlucky enough to get a glimpse at my feet! I'm such a girly girl so I love the thought of going to the nailshop with the girls or even a spa date with my his and would be nice. I work out like a maniac and have retained great growth and health of my hair through my hair journey.. Now it's time to work on my toes!! Thank you do much for your encouragement!! Your story almost brought me to tears to know that others know how I feel and how it may seem so simple to other people to walk around in open toe shoes but it's such a big thing to us!
